Salinas del Rey – How is the wind here really?
The most stable and strong wind is from end December to late spring with 25-35 knots pretty much every day, wind will start picking up in strength end of December with a peak in February and then gradually go down in strength until April/May.
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Mid June until early August can see wind in the range of 15-27 knots, though not daily and it’s unreliable in general. But with a 11-12 meter kite you can get quite a bit of kiting done “off season as well.
You could bring two medium to small kites and you should be able to kite almost all day every day first three-four months of the year.
Next days windforcast for Salinas del Rey
Wind statistics for Salinas del Rey
This graph show that the most windy months are december, january, february and march. Conditions in december can vary greatly from year to year.